1.07: Practice time!

Read the text and complete the gaps with these phrasal verbs. Remember to change their form if necessary.

_ hold back hold on hand out face up to go on _

Last year was difficult for our company – we had to (1) ………….. numerous problems. You know, problems with supplies, implementing new technologies, staff shortages, overdue payments… Really, a lot was (2) ………….. . However, we somehow managed to (3) ………….., mainly due to our boss's creativity and flexibility. What is more, at the beginning of December, he (4) ………….. big Christmas bonuses for everyone, which was really generous of him. As a result, I didn't have to (5) ………….. when buying Christmas presents!


  1. face up to
  2. going on
  3. hold on
  4. handed out
  5. hold back
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