25.03: Practice time!

Read the text and complete the gaps with these phrasal verbs. Remember to change their form if necessary.

_ come across bring in come up with cut-off bring out come out _

The difficult global situation last year resulted in (1) ………….. in deliveries, so it was impossible for our company to supply some of our products regularly to our main recipients. In order not to lose the market share, we had to think of good solutions. After several brainstorming sessions we finally (2) ………….. some new products, based mainly on local suppliers.

We were really stressed before (3) ……… them ………, as we didn't know if they would have a positive impact on our clients. However, the new products (4) ………….. really well and (5) ………….. surprisingly good money! What is more, our company (6) ………….. really well in those difficult times, compared to our competitors. As a result, we don't need to worry as much about the future.


  1. cut-off
  2. came up with
  3. bringing … out
  4. came out
  5. brought in
  6. came across
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