Olivia’s World and Useful Collocations 📚🧸

Hello, language explorers! Today, we’re diving into Olivia’s childhood memories and learning some useful English collocations. Let’s get started!

The Story

Read Olivia’s story below. You can also listen to the audio version here:

Olivia’s World

Olivia often looks back on her childhood with fond memories. When she was young, she had a cherished possession – a soft, brown teddy bear named Mr. Hugsy.

One sunny afternoon, Olivia was playing with Mr. Hugsy in the garden. While she was running around with her bear, her sister was reading a book under the old oak tree. ‘Every cloud has a silver lining,’ her sister said, looking up and smiling at the sight of Olivia tripping but laughing it off.

Later that day, Olivia and her sister decided to have a picnic. Olivia was spreading the picnic blanket when she saw a group of her friends riding bikes. She quickly finished setting up and joined them for a ride.

As the sun began to set, Olivia returned home. She put Mr. Hugsy on her bed and went to the kitchen. Her mum was cooking dinner, and the delicious smell filled the house.

Olivia was brought up in a small town, where she and her friends would spend hours exploring the nearby woods. People always said Olivia took after her mother, especially in her love for adventure.

Even now, as a grown-up, Olivia keeps Mr. Hugsy on a shelf in her bedroom. It’s her favourite childhood keepsake, reminding her of simpler times.

Collocations from Olivia’s World

Let’s look at some interesting word combinations (collocations) from the story:

  1. fond memories [fɒnd ˈmeməriz] 
    Meaning: miłe wspomnienia 
    In the story: “Olivia often looks back on her childhood with fond memories.”
  2. cherished possession [ˈtʃerɪʃt pəˈzeʃən] 
    Meaning: ukochana rzecz 
    In the story: “When she was young, she had a cherished possession – a soft, brown teddy bear named Mr. Hugsy.”
  3. trip but laugh off [trɪp bət lɑːf ɒf] 
    Meaning: potknąć się, ale zbyć to śmiechem 
    In the story: “…smiling at the sight of Olivia tripping but laughing it off.”
  4. to spread the blanket [tu spred ðə ˈblæŋkɪt] 
    Meaning: rozkładać koc 
    In the story: “Olivia was spreading the picnic blanket when she saw a group of her friends riding bikes.”
  5. to spend hours doing something [tu spend ˈaʊəz ˈduːɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ] 
    Meaning: spędzać godziny na robieniu czegoś
    In the story: “She and her friends would spend hours exploring the nearby woods.”
  6. a childhood keepsake [ə ˈtʃaɪldhʊd ˈkiːpseɪk] 
    Meaning: pamiątka z dzieciństwa 
    In the story: “It’s her favourite childhood keepsake, reminding her of simpler times.”

Phrasal verbs i idiomy wyjaśnimy innego dnia, a jutro opowiemy o gramatyce użytej w tej historii!

Happy learning, and see you tomorrow for another exciting lesson! 🌟

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