4.02: Practice time!

Translate the parts of the sentences into English.

  1. He didn't agree at first, but finally we managed to (przekonać go do naszego pomysłu) …………………………………………….. .
  2. The tax increases (wywołały protesty) …………………………………………….. .
  3. Poor Sally! I heard Matt has just (zerwał z nią) …………………………………………….. .
  4. My mother (została wychowana) …………………………………………….. in a poor neighbourhood.
  5. Suddenly a woman fainted but fortunately there was (mężczyzna, który zdołał ją ocucić) …………………………………………….. .


  1. bring him round to our idea
  2. brought about protests
  3. broken up with her
  4. was brought up
  5. a man who managed to bring her round
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