29.12: Practice time!

Choose the correct phrasal verbs to complete the questions and then answer them.

  1. What do you think is the best way to …………. a compromise? a) work out b) wear out c) turn out
  2. Are there any people whose behaviour ………….? a) works you out b) wears you out c) turns you up
  3. What would you do if it …………. that the company you work for is closing in 3 months' time? a) worked out b) turned out c) took up
  4. Do you usually …………. your weekly / monthly budget? Why (not)? a) take off b) stand for c) stick to
  5. When somebody sets up a business, what can they do to …………. ? a) stand out b) turn up c) show up
  6. What values do you usually …………. ? a) take up b) stand for c) turn out


  1. a)
  2. b)
  3. b)
  4. c)
  5. a)
  6. b)
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